Tuesday, April 24, 2012


  • This is Part 2 – to follow up on the “World Tour of Transportation Systems” – and to complete my “summary” of our “Grand World Voyage”.
    • We visited 22 foreign countries: Dominica, Barbados, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Egypt, Greece, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal!
      • We set foot on six (6) separate continents – North America, South America, Australia, Asia, Africa and Europe – and cruised through the seventh (7th), Antarctica.
      • We visited more than 40 cities: Roseau, Bridgetown, Belem, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Iguazu, Buenos Aires, Montevideo/Punta del Este, Ushuaia, Punta Arenas, Easter Island, Papeete, Moorea, Auckland/Rotorua, Sydney, Cairns, Komodo Island, Lombok, Bali, Hong Kong/Macau, Nha Trang, Saigon, Singapore, Phuket/Phi Phi Island, Colombo, Mangalore, Delhi, Agra, Mumbai, Safaga/Luxor, Sharm el-Sheikh, Cairo/Giza, Athens, Olympia, Messina/Sicily, Naples/Capri, Ajaccio/Corsica, Barcelona/Girona/Tossa, Cadiz/Seville and Madeira.
      • The ship will have travelled more than 37,000 nautical miles by the time we return to Florida.
      • We saw some incredibly beautiful and/or fascinating places. DSC00078 (640x480)Rio de Janeiro 257 (640x427)Rio de Janeiro 279 (640x427)Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 231 (640x426)Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 410 (640x427)Montevideo, Uruguay 372 (640x427)Antarctic Sound 160 (640x427)Gerlache Strait 170 (640x427)Punta Arenas, Chile 011 (640x427)Ushuaia, Argentina 060 (640x427)Easter Island 211 (640x427)Easter Island 305 (640x427)Papeete, Tahiti 351 (640x427)Papeete, Tahiti 475 (640x427)Moorea, French Polynesia 229 (640x333)Moorea, French Polynesia 069 (640x427)LONGEST DAY 119 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 324 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 784 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 1067 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 715 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 109 (640x427)Bali, Indonesia 366 (455x640)Hong Kong 345 (640x390)Hong Kong 561 (640x427)Nha Trang, Vietnam 514 (640x427)Saigon, Vietnam 462 (640x296)Saigon, Vietnam 548 (640x414)Singapore 072 (640x424)Singapore 453 (640x383)IMG_7346 (640x427)Sri Lanka 344 (640x428)Taj Mahal 342 (640x412)Taj Mahal 299 (640x419)Mumbai 002 (640x405)Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt 182 (640x427)Cairo, Egypt 601 (640x427)Cairo, Egypt 203 (640x397)Cairo, Egypt 367 (640x427)Cairo to Athens 135 (640x417)Cairo to Athens 127 (640x427)Cairo to Athens 266 (640x427)Athens, Greece 162 (640x427)Athens, Greece 124 (640x427)Sicily, Italy 325 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 226 (640x405)Barcelona, Spain 475 (640x432)Barcelona, Spain 448 (640x425)Seville, Spain 188 (640x420)
      • We walked through history itself!
      Mumbai 353 (640x427)Mumbai 113 (640x509)Luxor, Egypt 417 (640x544)Luxor, Egypt 396 (640x427)Luxor, Egypt 438 (640x427)Luxor, Egypt 781 (640x427)Luxor, Egypt 785 (640x496)Luxor, Egypt 840 (640x427)Luxor, Egypt 741 (640x402)Luxor, Egypt 340 (640x427)Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt 163 (640x426)Cairo, Egypt 126 (640x424)Athens, Greece 120 (640x427)Athens, Greece 171 (640x427)Athens, Greece 158 (640x427)

      • We rode a zip line in Barbados and visited the Amazon.  I dove off a cliff at the Waterfalls of Prima Vera.  We hiked through the Andes Mountains (even if it was downhill).  We swam with sharks and stingrays in Moorea!  We climbed the Sydney Harbor Bridge and saw our first opera at the Sydney Opera House!  We flew in a helicopter over Sydney – arriving just as our ship was passing under the Bridge to depart for Cairns! We snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef, among other places.  We walked among the Komodo dragons!  We bowled in Agra, India, climbed inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, got drenched in Capri, Italy, and rode a basket sleigh down the steep mountain in Madeira, Portugal.  What a ride it all has been!
      Barbados 24 (640x421)Barbados 26 (640x424)Belem, Brazil 127 (640x418)Moorea, French Polynesia 164 (640x427)Picture (640x480) (2)Sydney, Australia 826 (640x362)Sydney, Australia 860 (640x478)Picture 090_exposure (640x480)Picture 236_exposure (640x480)DSC00767 (640x480)Agra 004 (640x427)Agra 008 (640x427)Capri, Italy 160 (640x415)Madeira, Portugal 171 (640x422)

      • We saw children from around the world
      Recife 223 (640x427)Lombok, Indonesia 067 (640x427)Lombok, Indonesia 071 (640x354)Lombok, Indonesia 083 (640x427)Lombok, Indonesia 114 (640x453)Lombok, Indonesia 233 (485x640)Hong Kong 112 (640x427)Nha Trang, Vietnam 285 (640x427)Nha Trang, Vietnam 288 (640x444)Nha Trang, Vietnam 297 (640x468)Nha Trang, Vietnam 321 (640x573)Mumbai 503 (640x427)Mumbai 479 (421x640)Luxor, Egypt 591 (640x535)Barcelona, Spain 191 (640x450)

      • We encountered all sorts of animals, sea creatures and other wildlife, in all sorts of strange places!
      Recife 168Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 068 (640x427)Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 261 (640x427)Stanley, Falkland Islands 188 (640x589)Gerlache Strait 168 (629x473)Ushuaia, Argentina 040 (640x427)Easter Island 135 (640x427)Easter Island 425 (640x427)Moorea, French Polynesia 213 (640x427)Moorea, French Polynesia 073 (640x427)Moorea, French Polynesia 183 (640x372)Rotorua to Auckland 131 (640x427)Rotorua to Auckland 143 (640x427)Rotorua to Auckland 166 (640x427)Rotorua to Auckland 213 (640x428)Rotorua to Auckland 224 (640x530)Cairns, Australia 299 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 300 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 335 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 343 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 355 (581x640)Cairns, Australia 364 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 390 (640x616)Cairns, Australia 411 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 124 (640x427)Picture 210_exposure (640x480)Lombok, Indonesia 264 (640x428)Nha Trang, Vietnam 630 (640x427)Nha Trang, Vietnam 638 (640x427)Nha Trang, Vietnam 640 (640x427)Nha Trang, Vietnam 657 (640x427)IMG_7451 (640x482)Sri Lanka 205 (640x415)Sri Lanka 287 (640x426)Agra 398 (640x426)Agra 550 (640x427)Taj Mahal 271 (640x373)Mumbai-Night 020 (640x415)Mumbai-Night 093 (640x526)Mumbai 210 (640x427)Mumbai 238 (640x427)Olympia, Greece 227 (640x410)Sicily, Italy 114 (640x531)Barcelona, Spain 167 (640x417)Barcelona, Spain 013 (640x405)Seville, Spain 102 (640x427)

      • We saw incredible sunrises and sunsets – Bill’s affection!
      Rio de Janeiro 001 (640x427)Ushuaia, Argentina 013 (640x454)Punta Arenas, Chile 200 (640x427)Easter Island 013 (640x427)Easter Island 014 (640x427)LONGEST DAY 110 (640x427)Sri Lanka 422 (640x427)Agra 300 (640x427)Agra 352 (640x427)Athens, Greece 002 (640x427)Athens, Greece 453 (640x427)Athens, Greece 465 (640x427)Athens, Greece 460 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 008 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 003 (640x423)Barcelona, Spain 006 (640x427)Cadiz, Spain 049 (640x427)Cadiz, Spain 056 (640x427)Cadiz, Spain 061 (640x427)

      • I got to have my hair and nails done, and to get fabulous massages and facials, from the ship’s spa staff.  I attended numerous wine tastings with the colorful “Ingo” (“the Wine Man”).  We also saw the Samba in Rio, a vaudeville act in Rotorua, an aborigine show in Cairns and the Flamenco in Barcelona!
      Murder Mystery Dinner 038 (640x472)Mumbai 179 (640x427)Rio de Janeiro 697 (640x427)LONGEST DAY 299 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 115 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 544 (402x640)

      • I got to wear my pretty new shoes and dresses – and to see Bill in a tux for the first time ever!
      1-8-12 029 (640x427)Black & Silver Ball 002 (427x640)Black & Silver Ball 025 (640x427)Copacabana Samba 086 (640x427)Viva Las Vegas 053 (640x524)Ice Blue Winter Ball 002 (590x640)Ice Blue Winter Ball 004 (427x640)Valentine's Day 020 (640x427)Valentine's Day 006 (640x591)Formal 038 (640x427)

      • Onboard ship, we met some really nice people from other parts of the country and world, like Judy and Mike (US), Pauleen and Mike (US), Jeff (China), Art (US), Sam and Sally (US), Pat and Mel (Canada), Allan and Annie (US), Andrea and Maria (Spain), Jeff and Samantha (Thailand), just to name a few.
      1-8-12 028 (640x427)DSC00072Copacabana Samba 019 (640x427)Copacabana Samba 020 (640x427)Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 162 (640x427)Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 380 (640x427)Ice Blue Winter Ball 034 (640x508)Bridge & Engine Room 260 (640x427)Easter Island 270 (640x427)Murder Mystery Dinner 029 (640x428)Murder Mystery Dinner 033 (640x427)Bali, Indonesia 125 (640x428)Bali, Indonesia 015 (640x480)Bali, Indonesia 022 (640x479)DSCN1498 (640x420)DSCN1503 (640x478)DSCN1512 (640x412)DSCN1516 (480x640)Hong Kong 414 (640x428)Nha Trang, Vietnam 004 (640x410)Sri Lanka 083 (640x427)Sri Lanka 103 (640x446)Luxor, Egypt 622 (640x427)Luxor, Egypt 365 (640x427)Luxor, Egypt 384 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 469 (640x545)Madeira, Portugal 003 (640x427)Madeira, Portugal 483 (640x471)

      • We left on January 5, 2012, gazing out upon the San Diego skyline for what would be the last time in a long time. Soon, I’ll return home and see the finest city on Earth again! It doesn’t matter where you’re from. Wherever you visit on Planet Earth, there’s no place like home!
      Off to Florida 009 (640x427)


        1. Thanks so much for a wonderful journey. lovesandieigo on CC.

        2. Fabulous and extensive journey that you took us on. Loved that you were consistent so I always knew there would be a new post each day! Enjoyed every minute with the two of you. Hope you will consider keeping us up to date with how it goes during your entrance back into real life, getting back to work as well as your search for a new home.

        3. Really enjoyed reading your blog everyday. Your sense of humor and outlook on life is great! I read several of the blogs about this cruise, and yours was by far the most interesting and enjoyable of all.

        4. Awesome, awesome, awesome pictures and blog ( your shoes are pretty impressive too!). Thanks for allowing us to share in your adventure

        5. I am going to miss your blogs. Your descriptions and photos were so interesting. I looked forward to reading the various blogs almost everyday. Yours is the only one where we could leave comments. Good luck in your "real
          life back in San Diego. I hope you thought the World cruise 2012 was "worth" it.

        6. I'm so sad your trip is coming to an end. My husband retired in Dec and your blog has been the highlight of his day for the past 4 months. He yells out every morning from his sofa chair ..." Sondra has a new post". " Your going to love this one " !! We really loved your honesty, humour and enthusiasm to " Carp Diem" ! Thank You Sondra ! :)Mary

        7. I agree with all of the previous posts. Patti made a very important comment to "please let us know how your re-entry goes". I somehow missed the new home part.

          Best Blog EVER!!! about the World Cruise. LizF.

        8. This was my favorite post of all of the ones that you have made! You summarized the trip very well...and while there were some bumps in the road it was still an amazing trip! :)

        9. Excellent summary of your wonderful world cruise. I really enjoyed your photos throughout the cruise. I have read several blogs from this cruise and sometimes wondered if you were actually on the same ship! I had friends on some and all of this cruise(but not doing a blog) hence my interest in this particular cruise.
          Thankyou for all the effort that you put into doing this post each day
          Jennie B

        10. I thoroughly enjoyed being an armchair world cruise traveller through your eyes. Love all your photos. Going on our own WC this fall. Glad you included some pics of your fab shoes collection.
