Tuesday, April 10, 2012


DAY 3 (4/10/12)
          ∙ No trip to Athens could be complete without visiting the classic sights of this historic city, so we jumped aboard a double-decker "Hop On Hop Off" bus and toured everything from Piraeus (Athens’ main port, and the largest port in the Mediterranean -- where our ship is docked) to the Acropolis and Parthenon in central Athens.  This first bunch of photos is from Piraeus:
Athens, Greece 008 (640x578)Athens, Greece 016 (640x334)Athens, Greece 020 (640x412)Athens, Greece 031 (640x349)Athens, Greece 061 (640x427)Athens, Greece 067 (640x408)
          ∙ Olympic Stadium

Athens, Greece 076 (640x427)
          ∙ We walked the grounds of the Acropolis to the Parthenon, the Theater of Dionysos and its other structures.
Athens, Greece 124 (640x427)Athens, Greece 135 (640x427)Athens, Greece 136 (640x427)Athens, Greece 289 (640x427)Athens, Greece 291 (640x427)
Athens, Greece 183 (640x418)Athens, Greece 190 (640x427)Athens, Greece 220 (640x342)Athens, Greece 224 (640x427)Athens, Greece 226 (640x427)Athens, Greece 244 (640x427)Athens, Greece 248 (640x425)Athens, Greece 275 (640x425)
Athens, Greece 129 (640x427)Athens, Greece 145 (640x421)Athens, Greece 154 (640x425)Athens, Greece 157 (640x427)Athens, Greece 179 (640x424)Athens, Greece 184 (640x427)Athens, Greece 193 (640x427)Athens, Greece 199 (417x640)Athens, Greece 200 (640x427)Athens, Greece 203 (640x427)Athens, Greece 204 (640x427)Athens, Greece 209 (640x427)Athens, Greece 286 (640x427)Athens, Greece 339 (640x424)
          ∙ Hadrian’s Arch, indicating the border between the Greek and Roman cities in ancient times.
Athens, Greece 252 (636x640)Athens, Greece 342 (640x427)
          ∙ The Temple of Olympian Zeus, which took 700 years to complete, not to be confused with the “Temple of Zeus” in Olympia -- our next port -- one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which was destroyed by fire; the only remaining Wonder of the Ancient World is the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt).
Athens, Greece 233 (640x426)Athens, Greece 250 (640x414)Athens, Greece 251 (640x419)Athens, Greece 340 (640x424)
          ∙ We visited the New Acropolis Museum, featuring artifacts from ancient Greece and glass walkways that allow you to see the amazing ancient Greece – most of which lies underground.
Athens, Greece 306 (640x435)Athens, Greece 308 (640x419)Athens, Greece 319 (640x578)Athens, Greece 320 (640x429)Athens, Greece 326 (640x377)

          ∙ We passed by the National Gardens, the Parliament building, the National Archeological Museum and many other sites of Athena – the City named after the Goddess of Wisdom.
Athens, Greece 113 (640x499)Athens, Greece 130 (640x427)Athens, Greece 151 (640x425)Athens, Greece 164 (640x359)Athens, Greece 165 (640x424)Athens, Greece 170 (640x456)Athens, Greece 171 (640x464)Athens, Greece 194 (640x427)Athens, Greece 198 (640x422)Athens, Greece 222 (640x427)Athens, Greece 260 (640x419)Athens, Greece 262 (640x417)Athens, Greece 298 (640x426)Athens, Greece 343 (640x427)Athens, Greece 347 (640x464)Athens, Greece 352 (640x364)Athens, Greece 355 (640x508)Athens, Greece 357 (640x299)Athens, Greece 371 (640x425)Athens, Greece 382 (640x412)Athens, Greece 396 (640x410)Athens, Greece 405 (640x427)Athens, Greece 407 (640x424)Athens, Greece 410 (640x411)Athens, Greece 415 (592x640)

          ∙ We had cold, drab weather here, but this was a beautiful, unique and extremely interesting city.  One finds ruins hidden among the modern structures and archaeological sites dating back thousands of years.  It’s a wonder anything remains, and yet chunks of history still do.
          ∙ We’ve heard so much press coverage about Athens’ financial problems that I was surprised to find a modern European country that is not at all “poor”.  Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, even Egypt are “poor”.  Athenians drive nice cars and live in nice apartments in a gorgeous city.  They need to clean up all the graffiti everywhere, but their financial problems aren’t apparent from their living conditions.  I don’t doubt that they exist; you just can’t tell from looking at the place.
          ∙ Tomorrow, we visit the ruins at Olympia, where we’ll have cloudy, 61-degree weather.  We’re finally in Europe, where I can wear shorts or anything I like, and it’s too darned cold to wear them!  Ah man.  For now, we bid a goodnight, and farewell, to Athens!
Athens, Greece 453 (640x427)Athens, Greece 447 (640x427)Athens, Greece 448 (640x427)Athens, Greece 460 (640x427)Athens, Greece 465 (640x427)

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