Monday, April 16, 2012


In the Wildlife Category, this photo of ours took 3rd Place:

In the Landscape Category, this photo took 1st Place:

Both were "People's Choice" awards, meaning they were selected by our fellow passengers.  An enlarged copy of our first place photo will be sent home in about a month.


  1. Congratulations! Both are beautiful photos.

  2. Congratulations! Those pictures are wonderful.
    There must have been some amazing people pictures because I was sure your little boy with the rooster would be a winner!

  3. Congrats Sondra on the pic. awards...but I also think that boy with the rooster was the winner of all!!!! (did that Jeff win???) I am so sorry to see your cruise winding down, I will miss you so much when you get back to the 'real world' but I'm sure your Clients will be happy to see you home. And your puppies!!! Please post pictures of your reunion, I remember when we were away & our welcome home from our Schnauzer baby pup, makes coming home so much easier. But I for one will miss your posts. Again thanks so much for taking the time to do the wonderful posts and pictures of your adventure.

  4. Thanks to both of you! I thought the boy with the rooster would win, too - in fact, it was my personal favorite of the bunch!

  5. Well if there was an award for best photo based on blog readers it sounds like you would win that hands down for the little boy with the rooster. I loved that picture.
