Sunday, April 29, 2012


  • I had to leave you with one final installment . . . featuring the road back home on April 28, 2012!
  • The final afternoon, we had one last wine tasting and then a goodbye party in Jim and Carol’s (penthouse) suite, with a bunch of other folks, and then a last drink with friends Sam and Sally, and Mel and Pat (forgive me for leaving Crow’s Nest without a big goodbye, but I’ve learned over the years to hate goodbyes and to love hellos).
  • We awoke early (8 a.m., East Coast time, or 5 a.m. on the West Coast where we were headed) to see the U.S. for the first time in four months.  We found ourselves feeling quite excited to go home.  Hello Ft. Lauderdale!
First sight of the U.S.!
  • I didn’t quite set the record with my 27 boxes and bags; another family had 38 (and a much larger suite).  Despite the daunting task of packing all of that, the disembarkation process went swimmingly, and we were off to the airport in Ft. Lauderdale with plenty of time for our first stop for FOOD.  I saw a Chile’s at the airport and, so, had some!  And, yes, it was served with shredded cheese and onions, nice and warm!!!  We had normal salt and pepper shakers again (not the ones with huge chunks that get stuck in your teeth).  Bill was so excited just to be able to order Mtn. Dew again!  Already, a calm came over us; we’re on U.S. soil again!
Home! 006 (640x420)Home! 007 (427x640)Home! 008 (427x640)Home! 009 (640x427)

  • Then it was a final prayer, “Please God, let us get home safely”, and we were off!  I got a last look at Ft. Lauderdale and even our “home” for the last four months – the ms Amsterdam – as we flew west, young man!  Then a stop in Houston, where we picked up our second leg to San Diego . . .
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  • At last, we approach San Diego and touch down 113 days after we left.  I see the city, San Diego Bay, the palm trees, George, one of my cars . . . all the for first time in what felt like for-ever!  We make our way home and see all the things we’ve seen several thousand times before, but it all now seems strangely nicer than ever.  Even that crummy little rental house that I’m selling (and will only stay in for two or three more weeks) looks just beautiful, nestled high atop the rolling hills of San Diego.
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  • Then, I open the door to find my “babies” once more – Blizzard, Snowy and Frosty!!  Big smooches . . . and lots of them!  George did a great job taking care of my “little people”, and I’m VERY grateful to him for that!!  We also find the pile of mail inside – oh my – along with my 75-gallon, 12-jet tub and large shower.  I’ll live.
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  • About as soon as we arrived home, we headed out for dinner with a few people at the Elephant Bar in San Marcos.  I found that I’d lost about 5 pounds on this trip, so why not head out for food that I love?!  I got to see my brother Bob, niece E.B., nephew Robert and several friends once again – it was great!  I had tomato basil bisque, fresh spinach, jambalaya and garlic bread.  Yum.  Bill had mac and cheese and shared my jambalaya.  It was a long, but great day!
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  • This morning (4/29/12), after a great night’s sleep, we headed out to IHOP.  I have been fantasizing about breakfast these past months, since they don’t make hash browns on the ship – and to me, breakfast without hash browns is like French fries without the catsup.  I simply saw no point to eating breakfast there.  I had chicken fried steak and eggs, Bill had sausage, and George had bacon.  The hash browns were a given.  And IHOP was even more fan-***-tastic than I remembered!  I finally had over medium eggs that weren’t overcooked and real milk that tasted oh so good.  I wish everyone who ever went to work for HAL was required to eat at IHOP, at least a couple times, so they could understand THIS is what breakfast looks like!!
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  • Tonight, I’m meeting my parents at one of the best Mexican restaurants in town! If you’re worried that I’m going to get really fat now that I’m home, it’s possible.  However, I doubt that it’ll happen overnight, because my stomach’s so small from eating like a bird these past months that I can’t eat much, even when I want to!  Well, thanks again to everyone.  I wish you many great meals, and splendid adventures in the days ahead!
  • For anyone who may be interested:  this blog has generated unexpected interest.  There have been more than 63,000 page views from the US, more than 11,000 from Canada, more than 3,300 from Australia, more than 1,700 from the UK (our "mother country"), 568 from Russia and 525 from the Netherlands.  It's been read by people in Belgium, Ireland, Thailand, Germany and New Zealand, too.
  • Thanks to the world for making my "world tour" so very memorable!!  Up next:  Hard Rock World Tour ... I'll fly (ha)!


  1. Praise the Lord for your safe return..... will you cruise again??? glad you found your fur kids well, ours are not happy when we leave them, and they punish us for a few days after we arrive home again!!! but they do get over it!!

    1. I WILL cruise again ... perhaps differently. And I will LIVE better/more.

  2. I am going to miss you and your blogs so much! Thank you for sharing your cruise and pictures.

  3. Thank you for sharing your interesting experiences as you "saw the world." I know some of it was trying for you, but I hope you feel enriched from what you absorbed. Welcome home and good luck getting back in sync with your life.

  4. I am also going to miss your blogs. Checking each day to see what you had written and photographed was such fun, but I am glad you are able to enjoy tasty food again. Whoever heard of LOSING weight on a cruise. I'm glad you made it home safely, but evenings won't be the same without your well written recaps.

  5. Sondra,

    I too am going to miss your blog. You have been fantastic in that you posted every day and kept us all up to date. You mentioned that you didn't receive a HAL medallion. We were due to get one our next cruise with HAL, a few years ago as we had reached 100 days. HAL then decided to change the system and those that were 3 star mariners missed out. We need another 40 days to become 4 star mariners but I doubt we will make it as we have found other cruise lines that we now prefer. Sometimes, on some cruises we have found that HAL can be very cliquey and stuffy whereas on others we have really enjoyed our time aboard. It just depends on the makeup of the people on board.

    Good luck with getting yourselves back on track and I am sure that you will look back on this cruise as one of those once in a lifetime experiences.


  6. Sondra - What a wonderful homecoming, thanks for sharing. I found it very moving...and so happy. I'm not surprised by the number of viewers following your blog, it was the best one ever! You and Bill take care, and welcome home!

  7. Glad you and Bill made it home without a hitch and exactly as planned. Sally and I enjoyed the times we spent with you guys the last four months and the side trips. Will catch up on past blog posts we may have missed as it will help us remember what we may forget. So much of the trip is already a blur. Our stuff arrived and now we must unpack yuck! We only have eight large to unpack so we do not envy your task of 27
    Sam & Sally

  8. Sam and Sally: In the words of the Partridge Family - oh, the Hell with that. My luggage hasn't arrived yet, so I had to go to court today dressed in "skinny jeans". Oh my God. The Judge didn't seem to mind - he just smiled at me. Big kisses. You guys rock! Sondra

  9. Sondra -- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAKING US ALONG!! Yes, I was yelling and excited when I wrote that..I loved being able to participate vicariously, see the pics of experiences you were describing, and enjoyed your honesty and forthrightness. I also applaud your commitment to your clients; you have an admirable resume and dedication to your work. I appreciate your considerable efforts, both on this blog and in your career. My sincere appreciation, Silver

  10. Hi Sondra, one of your readers from the Netherlands. I was reading your blog, and that of other world cruisers, initially only for the entries on the South america - Antarctica segment, but I somehow stayed on for the rest too :-)

    You have some truly fantastic pictures posted (the one with the boy and rooster tops it all!) but the one I like best is the one of you at the end, on your knees with your dogs. That's how I greet mine when I get home after a long trip, the exact same way.

    thanks for the blog and seeing this unique cruise through your eyes.
