Sunday, April 15, 2012


          ∙ Time in port: 30 hours (“official” overnight no. 9 of 9 -- our last overnight of the trip)
          ∙ The Amsterdam arrived about an hour early (again) – in the late morning.  From 1-5 p.m., we joined a shared tour on a small bus with Spain Day Tours, aka Top Day Tours.  Thankfully, there were several nice people with us (e.g., Alan and Annie, Pauleen and Mike) to help offset the nastiness coming from one lady's mouth (who's seen fit to insult us repeatedly throughout the cruise; oh well, 12 days until we're home).
                    ∙ We stopped first at Park Guell:  Gaudi's greatest park/garden complex, situated on the hill of el Carmel in the Gracia district (built from 1900 to 1914).  The crowds were daunting, even for a Sunday in the Spring.
Barcelona, Spain 146 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 150 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 161 (640x417)Barcelona, Spain 167 (640x417)Barcelona, Spain 175 (427x640)Barcelona, Spain 177 (426x640)Barcelona, Spain 182 (640x426)Barcelona, Spain 184 (640x425)Barcelona, Spain 191 (640x450)Barcelona, Spain 197 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 200 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 204 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 226 (640x405)Barcelona, Spain 231 (640x420)Barcelona, Spain 241 (640x584)

                    ∙ Next, we visited Gaudi’s world-famous architectural masterpiece, La Sagrada Familia:  an immense basilica under construction since 1882.
Barcelona, Spain 255 (427x640)Barcelona, Spain 294 (426x640)Barcelona, Spain 264 (425x640)Barcelona, Spain 266 (640x405)Barcelona, Spain 269 (640x426)Barcelona, Spain 289 (640x414)Barcelona, Spain 297 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 276 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 475 (640x432)

                    ∙ We stopped at the beach.
Barcelona, Spain 327 (640x413)Barcelona, Spain 330 (640x433)

                    ∙ From there, we headed to the Museum of National Art and its stunning views.
Barcelona, Spain 412 (640x425)Barcelona, Spain 442 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 448 (640x425)Barcelona, Spain 451 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 461 (640x413)Barcelona, Spain 462 (640x476)Barcelona, Spain 469 (640x545)

                    ∙ We saw Barcelona’s Olympic Stadium, where it all happened in 1992.
Barcelona, Spain 490 (640x426)Barcelona, Spain 491 (640x386)
                    ∙ Finally, we stopped at Montjuic Castle.
Barcelona, Spain 022 (640x354)Barcelona, Spain 515 (640x418)
Belen maya.jpg          ∙ We spent the evening enjoying a buffet of Spanish cuisine and an authentic and professional Flamenco, at the Tablao Corbodes.  They brought us an entire bottle of wine with dinner, and champagne at show time!  The show was an electrifying mix of thunderous clapping, stomping and “attitude” – served up with a healthy dose of sex appeal!
 Barcelona, Spain 520 (640x426)Barcelona, Spain 521 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 544 (402x640)

          ∙ From the moment we entered this splendid city, we were mesmerized by Barcelona’s artistry, architecture, style, culture, class.  I only wished they’d invent “no glare” glass, so we could get pictures from these tour busses!  Perhaps the “hop on, hop off” bus is a better option here (unless it’s raining).
          . We from the “New World” found this glimpse of the “Old World” intensely interesting!
          ∙ I could spend a month here, immersing myself into all that is Barcelona.  It belongs on “the list”.
          ∙ I must note – today is the 100-year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.  Our ship ignored the occasion, but I can’t let the day elapse without noting the importance of that tragedy in revamping the cruise ship industry to assure that people like me can travel safely all around the globe.
Barcelona, Spain 008 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 036 (640x578)Barcelona, Spain 058 (640x415)Barcelona, Spain 069 (640x400)Barcelona, Spain 091 (640x427)Barcelona, Spain 129 (640x462)Barcelona, Spain 333 (640x426)Barcelona, Spain 391 (640x375)Barcelona, Spain 394 (426x640)Barcelona, Spain 455 (640x393)


  1. Very nice of you to remember the Titanic! It truly did, I believe, make a difference in the cruise industry, although I also believe it didn't happen overnight; but then, what does?

  2. You seem to really be enjoying Europe. I think I would too. The cleanliness of the environment being number one. However I would still love to visit some of the other places as well. Have a great remainder of your trip. The 7 day ocean crossing will be long but you've got your packing and sorting to keep you busy. I will enjoy reading your blog until you get home. I do hope you will post a summary of the entire trip and highlight the best parts of it.

  3. Your blogs are so interesting. Please let us know if any of your pictures won in the photo contest.
