Friday, March 16, 2012


  • So, you’re at sea and there’s little to do onboard the ship (unless you just love watercolors, bridge, bingo).  Surely, you can sit back in your room and watch television?  Not so fast . . .
  • Here’s HAL’s television line-up:
    • Channel 26 (“HAL TV”):  HAL infomercials (e.g., trying to sell you DVD’s of the cruise)
    • Channel 27 (“In Port”):  HAL infomercials (trying to sell you their shore excursions)
    • Channel 28 (“Shopping”):  HAL infomercials (trying to sell you their jewelry)
    • Channel 29:  CNN
    • Channel 30:  HAL infomercials (trying to sell you future cruises on HAL)
    • Channel 31 (CN):  Cartoons
    • Channel 32 (TCM):  Old movies, often in black and white
    • Channel 33:  ESPN
    • Channel 34:  HAL infomercials (“Barbara” talks about travel destinations)
    • Channel 35:  HAL infomercials (streaming ad for “On Deck for the Cure”)
    • Channel 36 (Comedy):  Ostensibly a channel with comedy movies, but they play the same movie over and over followed by even more HAL infomercials!
    • Channel 37 (Drama):  Same with drama movie (singular)
    • Channel 38 (CTV):  HAL infomercials (its “chef”)
    • Channel 39:  Fox
    • Channel 40:  HAL’s navigational information (picture showing where the ship is on a map)
    • Channel 42:  HAL infomercials (ads for the casino)
    • Channel 43:  Elevator music
    • Channel 44:  A picture of the front of the ship
  • This is what we’ve had to “entertain” us for the last 70 days!  I’ve missed an entire season of American Idol!  I can’t watch any of my favorite shows – none of them!  Imagine that!  I recall a HAL officer told Bill week one that he couldn’t watch the NFL playoff games, because “this isn’t an American cruise line – we don’t have ABC, NBC, CBS!”  Most of the passengers onboard are from America.  I wondered why the man had such an anti-American attitude, right out of the gate.
  • HAL’s broadcast system loses satellite connection on a regular basis, meaning there is nothing to watch but the HAL infomercials, which stream the same material over and over, and over again.  It’s maddening sometimes!
  • We’re almost forced to go to the casino, so we have something to do!  But we’ll lose $100 to $200 within about 15 to 30 minutes, since these machines are so tight.  Then, it’s back to the room for more HAL infomercials.  Aye!!
  • They will let you check out movies, one at a time, for one day only.  They have older movies, which we’ve already seen.
  • There are 43 days left until we return “home” . . . but who’s counting?


  1. Uncle, love Daffy Duck, RobertMarch 16, 2012 at 4:28 AM

    Does the CN network have Daffy Duck?

  2. You are Priceless! Thanks for the blog. You always say just what I'm thinking.

  3. Don't know if CN has Daffy Duck, check Fox for that!!
    Agree, really miss normal TV on HAL ships. They want you out of the cabin to drink & gamble!!
    I often bring my own DVD's or down load TV shows or Movies to our iPad.
    Hang in there!

  4. What's wrong with reading, relaxing on deck, taking an interest in the lives of your fellow passengers, many who will have interesting stories to tell? There is rarly anything on TV that is as interesting as your fellow travellers!

  5. American Idol is great this season, so sorry you are not able to enjoy the show.

  6. You have us completely rethinking the idea of a world cruise... I absolutely love your blog and believe it is THE BEST WORLD CRUISE BLOG I've ever read... and I've read several in the last few months!!
