Thursday, March 22, 2012


          ∙ Time in port: 9 hours
          ∙ This was another “tender” port, so after taking the ferry to shore, we walked along Patong Beach, with its scores of lounge chairs, boats, wave-runners, parasailors, etc.  Some distance down, we boarded a bus, which took us to a marina on the other side of the island.
          ∙ There, we boarded a speed boat for a 1-hour bumpy, yet exhilarating ride to visit Phi Phi (pee pee) and Khai Islands.  They gave us sodas, water, bananas, pineapple and watermelon along the way.
          ∙ We swam in the emerald-colored, crystal clear waters of Maya Bay and walked on the softest white sand that I’ve ever felt.  We had a great little Thai buffet lunch at “Benja Restaurant”.  And we briefly snorkeled at this tropical paradise.  Our guide, Tina, got a kick out of throwing banana pieces into the water where we snorkeled; the fish swooned to nibble on the fruit (and your fingers, if you dared to hold the fruit)!
          ∙ Tina smiled and laughed all day, as she told us about Thailand and “messed” with us a bit (she had a great personality).  She explained, they have the longest-reigning monarch (their King) anywhere in the world and hold him in high regard.  Thailand used to be called Siam (recall the movie, “King of Siam”).  She told us their people are easy going and laid back.  Government workers only earn about $10 per day, but the cost of living is very low too.  “Phuket” is not pronounced “f**” it!  It isn’t pronounced “foo” “ket”, either.  It’s “poo” “ket”.  So we went to pee pee and poo ket!  . . .
          ∙ Sadly, the oceans en route from Singapore to Thailand were peppered with trash.  I hadn’t seen that since we left Florida.
          ∙ I was really excited to see this port, which had been featured on an episode of “Amazing Race” last season.  It didn’t disappoint.  The only disappointment came when we had to leave.  I realized as we were re-boarding that we could have stayed here and flown to our next port of Colombo, Sri Lanka.  Darn, missed that one!
          . Phi Phi Island was true to its reputation as one of the most beautiful tropical settings in the world.  It had steep cliffs, large caves and dwarf trees growing out of rock crevices.  When our boat came around one cliff wall, we entered Maya Bay . . . the bluest lagoon I’ve ever seen.  You could see fish and rocks in the water from the side of the boat.
          ∙ “The brochure said” the beaches were secluded, but that wasn’t quite the case.  I heard some people commenting about the crowds.  These sites were so stunning that many boats and people came to visit.
          ∙ This was just one tiny little part of Thailand, to the South.  A couple other shipmates spent the last six days touring all around Thailand and returned with some of the best photos I’ve seen.  If you find yourself on this side of the world, VISIT THAILAND!!
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  1. Nice pictures and great job on the blog.

  2. I lived in Bangkok and Nakon Panom in the mid-60s, I agree that Thailand is a beautiful place with wonderful people. I haven't been back for about 15 years, but I'd love to!

  3. Uncle,hunk-a-hunk of burning love,RobertMarch 23, 2012 at 10:17 AM

    Riddle me THIS! I had just seen Elvis in the frozen food section of my grocery store and now you tell me he is in Thailand? Boy does he get around! Love the pictures, but love the fact that you seem to finally find some real enjoyment in this adventure! GREAT pictures. You and Bill stay safe and have fun!

  4. Dear Sondra, It sounds like a lawyer will soon be home' You have been missed.Hello Bill now it may soon be work time. The pictures are interesting.
