Friday, March 30, 2012


  • They’re having a second photo competition on the ship, drawing from our ports in Australia, Asia and India!
  • Categories include (1) wildlife, (2) landscape, (3) people, and (4) architecture.
  • Please tell me your favorites ASAP, because we can only enter two photographs per category, and entries are due by April 1st!  Your input was valuable and appreciated during the first competition – we won third prize in two of the four categories.  Let’s take first place this time?!
IMG_7451 (640x482)Sri Lanka 205 (640x415)Sri Lanka 287 (640x426)Agra 545 (640x420)Mumbai 238 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 300 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 337 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 350 (640x427)Cairns, Australia 355 (581x640)Cairns, Australia 389 (631x640)

Hong Kong 553 (640x427)Mumbai-Night 015 (640x390)Mumbai-Night 194 (640x415)IMG_7318 (640x426)IMG_7346 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 324 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 950 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 1067 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 828 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 861 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 903 (640x352)Sydney, Australia 906 (640x381)Sydney, Australia 918 (640x427)

Lombok, Indonesia 233 (485x640)Nha Trang, Vietnam 285 (640x427)Nha Trang, Vietnam 297 (640x468)Nha Trang, Vietnam 321 (640x573)Mumbai 479 (421x640)Mumbai 503 (640x427)

Sydney, Australia 233 (640x427)Sydney, Australia 713 (640x427)Hong Kong 345 (640x390)Sri Lanka 344 (640x428)Nha Trang, Vietnam 482 (640x427)Nha Trang, Vietnam 514 (640x427)Taj Mahal 314 (640x451)Taj Mahal 342 (640x412)Mumbai 002 (640x405)Mumbai 113 (640x509)Singapore 072 (640x424)Singapore 074 (640x403)Singapore 453 (640x383)Singapore 460 (640x341)Singapore 467 (416x640)


  1. I like the elephant and the monkey family. Also the ship passing the Opera House. And the white Buddah with the blue sky background! Good luck!

    1. Thanks - that "ship" happens to be OUR ship (ms Amsterdam). I just happened to be in a helicopter, seeing the city and sights as the ship passed under the bridge and in front of the city as it left Sydney. We remained in Sydney and flew to the ship's next port of Cairns. Trippy, huh?

  2. Wow, that will be hard to make a choice! #2, 3, or 5 for wildlife. #3 & 8 for scenery. #6 & 13 for architecture. #1 & 6 for people. I absolutely love the picture of the boy with the rooster!!! Great pictures! Good luck & have fun!

  3. I would definitely pick one of the Amsterdam from above! No one else will have that perspective. Also love Hong Kong at night and the water/rocks/grass picture from above...the latter is very different.

    Congrats on getting two third places! Which were the winners?


  4. I have chosen 1 from each category that I like

    Mumbai - 238
    Sydney - 903 or 906
    Lombok - 233
    Taj Mahal - 342

  5. The pictures I liked best were: Hong Kong #553
    Sydney #828
    Lombok #233 (a sure winner)
    Mumbai #002
    Singapore #072

    Please let us know which ones you win: last contest you never told us which ones you won. Good Luck!

  6. Lizard on rock, tree with runner, boy with rooster and Opera House.

    Good Luck!

  7. Congratulations and good luck with the next contest! Let us know which ones win!
