Saturday, March 24, 2012


  • One oddity about international travel is the time differentiation, particularly when crossing the “International Date Line”
  • In my post, “The Longest Day”, I explained how we lost a date (not a day, but a date on the calendar) as we flew from Papeete, Tahiti to Auckland, New Zealand.  Instantly, we were one date ahead of our friends back home in America.
  • Since then, we’ve been “chasing yesterday” – “making up” the lost date an hour or so here and there.
  • Most recently, we set the clocks back by one-half hour because India wanted its entire vast country to be on the same time zone.
  • It’s currently about 10:30 a.m. Sunday here (at sea, en route from Sri Lanka to Mangalore, India).  Back home in San Diego, it’s 9 p.m. Saturday night -- meaning we’re 13.5 hours “ahead” of San Diego (and 10.5 hours ahead of the East Coast)
  • After leaving India on March 29th, we’ll start “making up” those 10.5 hours until re reach Florida on April 28th.  We make up the last three hours on our flight back home to sunny San Diego!
  • During the 30-day period from March 29 through April 28, we’ll have a 25-hour day app. 10 or 11 times (one night in three), as we “chase yesterday”.

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