Thursday, February 2, 2012


Passengers are invited to enter our photos for a “South America & Antarctica Photo Competition”.  There’s a guy named Jeff who takes better pictures than anyone, so he’ll probably win in all categories.  Yet, I want to enter because I’m a competitive person, and Bill and I have taken a number of photos, too.  It should also be fun!  Each guest can enter 1 photo per category:  Wildlife, Landscape, Life and Frozen.  In other words, Bill and I can enter 2 photos per category.  Here are the photos (in these categories) that I like the most so far – please give me your thoughts and input; I have until 2/9 to submit our entries.

Gerlache Strait 367 (640x594)Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 068 (640x427)Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 118Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 261Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 278Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 365Recife 168Stanley, Falkland Islands 112Stanley, Falkland Islands 113Stanley, Falkland Islands 150Stanley, Falkland Islands 153Stanley, Falkland Islands 188Stanley, Falkland Islands 227Stanley, Falkland Islands 241

DSC00077Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 239Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 241Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 246Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 327Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 343Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 384Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 395Iguazu Falls (Argentina) 410Rio de Janeiro 467Stanley, Falkland Islands 379Stanley, Falkland Islands 438

Recife 080Recife 223Rio de Janeiro 158 (640x427)Rio de Janeiro 171Rio de Janeiro 555

Antarctic Sound 160Gerlache Strait 046Gerlache Strait 170 (640x427)Gerlache Strait 319 (640x206)Gerlache Strait 363 (640x448)

Please let me know what you think – we can only pick 2 from each category!  Which 2 are the best in each category?


  1. Not too crazy Uncle RobertFebruary 2, 2012 at 8:36 PM

    butterfly on Bill, sloth,guy on wall in Rio, bottom left panoramic

  2. I have been enjoying your commentary and photos. I do also look at jeff's but you often show different aspects of the same city and both are very good. My chice from those you posted is:- Wildlife - Iguazu falls 261 and Stanly 188; Landscape - Iguazu falls 239 & 410; Life- Rio 171 & 555; Frozen - Gerlache 170 & 319.
    Good luck in the comp.
    Jennie B from Sunbury, Melbourne. OZ

  3. WILDLIFE: The Magellanics that look like they’re holding hands and looking around furtively to make sure no one notices them; the Kings (Falklands 150) – would be great if you could crop the two penguins with the cropped heads.
    LANDSCAPE: Iguazu (246)
    LIFE: the man sitting on the red stepped wall; the little girl.
    FROZEN: Gerlache 046 (might need to fix the horizon); the close up of the ice.
    Good luck.

  4. Wildlife: Man with the hat & Penguins holding hands (or maybe the lemur? family)
    Landscape: Falls with vapor in valley & Hotel or Palace
    Life: McDonalds (has to be the tackiest McDonalds) & buildings going up the hillside
    Forzen: Reflection photo & Blue ice cave
    Remember, the fun is in playing the game, and what adventures you have had getting these pictures!

  5. You have some awesome shots!

    These are my favorites: 168, 188, 410, 384, 223, 080, 170, 319


  6. These are some pictures of the Beautifull water falls and the ocean. My favorites are as follows...188,153,363,395,239......keep up the good photography!

  7. Love your blog and your pictures. I would vote for:
    Wildlife - 367 (cropped some), 261, 181
    Landscape - 77, 246
    Life - 158, 555
    Frozen - 363, 170

    1. I love your pictures and I would vote for Wildlife 168 and 188, Landscape 239 and 246, Life 158, 555, Frozen 046, 170. Great work. fabulous pictures.
